Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief Anya KUTELEVA is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work connects international relations, development studies, energy security, and feminist-informed approaches to politics. Her research centers on the nexus between politics and sociocultural contexts in international relations and develops a cross-disciplinary methodological toolkit around the concept of discursive politics. She is particularly interested in politics in China, Russia, Canada, and the Central Asian region. In 2022, she joined the University of Wolverhampton (UK) as a senior lecturer in International Relations. Previously, she obtained a PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta (Canada) and held a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia). She is the author of China’s Energy Security and Relations with Petrostates: Oil as an Idea (Routledge 2021) and published articles in leading academic journals, including Europe-Asia Studies, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Problems of Post-Communism, European Journal of International Security, and Energy Research & Social Science. To contact Anya, please use the following email address: politikonjournal@iapss.org.

Editor David PIMENTA is a PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and holds a PhD fellowship in Political Science from the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). Also, he is a Researcher at the Observatory of the Quality of Democracy (OQD) and a columnist for the daily national newspaper Público, where he writes on politics, international relations, and history. Previously, he held several management positions in different organizations. David’s research interests include comparative politics, nationalism, far-right politics, populism, ethnic conflicts, and geopolitics. 

Editor Corina LOZOVAN is a PhD candidate and researcher in Political Science and International Relations at the Institute for Political Studies, Catholic University of Portugal, and is the recipient of a PhD fellowship in Political Science from the Foundation for Science and Technology. Her focus regions encompass the Middle East, with a particular emphasis on the Arab Gulf states, Europe, and Central Asia. Her research interests include security, geopolitics, conflicts, contemporary Islam, political culture, as well as the artistic and cultural forces that shape these regions.

Editor Agata RYDZEWSKA is a PhD candidate the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw in Poland and the Principal Investigator of the project entitled ‘Descriptive and Substantive Representation of Women in Paradiplomacy: The Case of Autonomous Communities of Spain’. She holds a Master’s in International Relations from the University of Warsaw with a specialization in Contemporary Diplomacy. Currently, her research focuses on the role of women in sub-state diplomacy and the relationship between feminist foreign policy and paradiplomacy.

Editor Francesco Maria SCANNI is a research fellow in Political Science at the University of Teramo, Italy. His research spans public policy analysis, comparative politics, and political theory. Building on his doctoral research examining the interplay between populist governments and democratic systems, his current work investigates cybersecurity policy developments across Italy and Europe.

Book Reviews section Editor Bogdan OVCHARUK is a PhD student in Political Science at York University, Canada, where he is pursuing a dual major in Political Theory and International Relations. Concurrently, he is working towards a Diploma in European Studies, broadening his understanding of the sociopolitical landscape of the continent. His academic interests encompass Continental political philosophy, international theory, theories of rights and ethics, and the aesthetic approaches of the Frankfurt School to social critique. Bogdan's dissertation project involves an application of Gillian Rose's critique of neo-Kantianism to international theory, an endeavour that reflects his commitment to bridging philosophical thought with practical issues. In addition to his academic pursuits, Bogdan has professional expertise in the fields of human rights and peacekeeping honed during his tenure as a researcher and media worker amidst the Russia-Ukraine conflict. To contact Bogdan about book reviews, please use the following email address: politikon.bookeditor@iapss.org.

Editorial Assistant Lloyd George BANDA is an interdisciplinary social scientist with expertise in policy analysis and economic management. As a Lisa Maskel PhD fellow in Political Science at Stellenbosch University, he is currently pursuing his doctoral degree. Lloyd obtained a Master of Development Studies and a Dual Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics and History from the University of Malawi in 2023 and 2019, respectively Throughout his career, Lloyd has conducted various consultancy projects, including the Big Data World Journalism Study (WJS) 3. His broad areas of research expertise include the application of econometric methods in policy analysis and the political economy of development. Lloyd's ultimate goal is to contribute to both academic debates and inform policy decisions through his research. He is committed to bridging the gap between academia and real-world applications, ensuring that his findings have a meaningful impact on society. 

Production Editor Janine MUSTER moved from Germany to Edmonton, Canada to complete her MA in Sociology. She still calls the Canadian Prairies her home. Here, she writes flash fiction and short stories. Currently, she is working on her certificate as an editor with the Simon Fraser University. 

Last updated: 06 January 2025