Development Policies: Do They Really Fight Against Global Inequalities and Injustice?
An Alternative and Critical Analysis
Capitalism, Critical Studies, Development, Development Policies, Ideology, Inequalities, JusticeAbstract
This article examines development policies in the fight against inequalities and global justice using alternative and critical theories, establishing connections between the capitalist system and development policies as a social phenomenon inherent to it and analysing if these policies can address their abstract motivations and goals of justice and equality. The general findings of the article suggest that development policies contribute to the intensive and extensive expansion of capitalism as an instrument to impose and never confront Western economic interests. Moreover, the concepts of charity discourse and development imperative are introduced as the ideological foundations of development policies, which serve both to extend the idea that the struggle against inequalities and injustice generated by the capitalist system can and must be resolved within the framework of this system and as a device of social control and hegemony production from Western societies to the rest of the world.
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