Criminal Governance and Social Mobilization in Brazilian Favelas
A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
Criminal Governance, Organized Criminal Groups, Social Mobilization, Routines, Grievances, Qualitative Meta-AnalysisAbstract
This article examines the dynamics of crime governance and social mobilization in Brazil’s impoverished communities to answer why residents of favelas mobilize against state interventions while seemingly accepting the rule of organized criminal groups (OCGs). Previous studies have primarily explored the materialistic hypothesis or the role of coercion and fear in shaping community behavior. This article employs the tools provided by the literature on contentious politics and a qualitative meta-analysis to systematically assess the varied ways in which OCGs interact with the state and favela residents, mapping the heterogeneous effects produced as a result. The findings suggest that in favelas where criminal organizations are perceived as benign, residents may rely on them to fulfill basic needs, while the state is seen as an outsider that brings disruption of routines and violence. In favelas where criminal organizations are malign, there are few incentives for change as the outcomes of challenging OCGs are uncertain.
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