#LGBTpropaganda #GenderTheory #Wokism
Expanding and blurring the boundaries of francophone anti-gender discourse propagated on Twitter
Critical Discourse Studies, Far Right Movements, Conservative Movements, Anti-gender, Anti-trans, Anti-Islam, Anti-wokism, Populism, Nationalism, Social Media, Twitter (X)Abstract
Based on a corpus of tweets compiled from November 2022 to February 2023, this article revisits digital anti-gender campaigns in France, 10 years after debates on same-sex marriage and adoption. Through a critical discourse analysis of 70 key tweets, it maps the semiotic community engaged in anti-gender discourse, revealing a heterogeneous group of actors ranging from the conservative right to the identitarian far right. The article identifies two patterns rooted in the “protect our children” rhetoric, which reshape the symbolic boundaries of anti-gender discourse. First, an expansion is at play, marked by the relative inclusion of LGB and feminist activists to reinforce the exclusion of drag-queens and trans people. Second, a blurring of symbolic boundaries between ethnic, religious and cultural factors emerges. This facilitates the articulation of a national-populist discourse that frames “wokism” and Islam as threats to children, to summon support for a white, Christian and heterocisgender political project.
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