TERF Intimate Publics

Anti-gender Images and Feelings





Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminism, TERF, Intimate Publics, Anti-gender Feelings, Images, Cis-heteronormativity, Whiteness


This article asks: how does trans-exclusionary radical feminism (TERFism) function to create an intimate public that generates a sense of belonging along gendered and racialized lines? Drawing from Judith Butler, I use “fascism” as a conceptual frame while analyzing online images and sentiments of a trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) who belongs to an Australian anti-gender Facebook group. I argue that TERF intimate publics are constituted by feelings of loss and resentment which become alleviated through claiming legitimacy along a “natural” gendered and racialized hierarchy of human worth, through demanding a return of one’s “sex-based rights,” and through a commitment to victimhood. Generating pride in a perceived endangered identity, this article finds that TERF intimate publics uphold the regulatory norms of cis-heteronormativity and whiteness. This analysis reveals that they offer a space for racist nationalism rooted in cis-hetero-misogyny, a crucial finding as TERFism gains traction in the current political moment.

Author Biography

Jo Church, The University of Melbourne

Jo Church is a PhD Candidate at The University of Melbourne in the School of Social and Political Sciences. She is studying anti-gender politics in Australia and on social media.


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How to Cite

Church, Jo. 2025. “TERF Intimate Publics: Anti-Gender Images and Feelings”. Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science 59 (1). Online:115-33. https://doi.org/10.22151/politikon.12025.5.